Írta, fényképezte: Peter (Peter's Paris), találta: V. Eszter.
Az itt bemutatottakat tekinthetjük urban artnak, street artnak, graffitinek... Ezeket mostanában találtam, jobbára Párizs északkeleti részén. A legtöbbjét ismeretlen alkotó készítette, bár némelyiknél olvasható valami aláírás-féle: Dacruz, Mesnager, Mosko, Jeff.
Some of you may feel that this shouldn't be. Well, if you see on which kind of walls this has been done, it may definitely be acceptable, the only worry may even be that a lot of this will soon be gone, being on walls which will not last for long. What can be regretted in my mind is that some of the works have been tagged on top by others.
Since some time it seems to be a fashion to decorate the delivery vans, especially those which deliver the open or covered market places. These trucks are of course more easily accesible for "decoration" than trains, metro cars... It seems that most of this is made in agreement with the van owners, but this may sometimes be questionable.